Our Community

St Mary’s School acknowledges that parents are the primary educators of their children. We acknowledge the good work done at home prior to your child's schooling, and that parents have an important role to play in the continuing education of their children.

There are many opportunities for parents to be involved in the classroom or to be of assistance in the school community in many indirect ways.  These could include: 

  • Supporting your child with class themes (special days) 
  • Helping with reading and literacy based activities. 
  • Celebrating with the school community by attending assemblies and liturgies
  • Helping with covering and cataloguing books and resources. 
  • Being involved in the Parents and Friends committee at school. 

All parents or members of the community who volunteer to work with children in classrooms or on excursions must hold a valid Working With Children Card and attend a Volunteer Induction as part of our Child Safety policy and procedures.
